Renowned Companies With Red Logos (2024)

Red-colored logos are firmly embedded in the vast palette of corporate images. This vibrant hue commands attention and evokes emotions that resonate deeply with audiences. Many global companies have strategically chosen this color, making it synonymous with their unique corporate identity.

Infused with dynamism, red is often associated with basic human emotions and experiences such as love, vitality, urgency, caution, and energy. Given the versatility of its connotations, this color evokes a variety of reactions, from passionate attraction to wariness.

At the same time, the universality of red color undergoes subtle changes in different cultural landscapes. In some cultures, red symbolizes prosperity and celebration, while in others, it symbolizes danger and caution. Such cultural nuances underscore the importance of context and require brands to exercise caution when using red in their branding strategy.

For companies looking to make a lasting impression, red, when used wisely, can be transformative. In this article, we will highlight a few well-known companies that have harnessed the power of the color red in their logos. Each brand uses this vibrant hue in its own way to convey its message and ethos.

Why do companies use red in their logos?

In the wide spectrum of branding colors, red represents strength, passion, and conviction. This color has an innate ability to attract attention, making it a favorite choice of many well-known brands around the world. This vibrant hue evokes a multitude of emotions and reactions, making it attractive and compelling in logos.

Red’s inherent intensity evokes strong feelings, often associated with primal forces of life such as blood and fire. Its frequent use in important signs such as stop signs and emergency alerts emphasizes its versatility as a symbol of importance and immediacy.

However, red’s versatility is not limited to its ability to warn or caution. In branding, red can evoke a variety of emotions – from warmth, enthusiasm, and energy to a sense of urgency and wariness. While positive shades of red evoke warmth, love, and energy, deeper shades can evoke wariness or anxiety.

What companies have a red logo?


Often associated with dynamism and boldness, the color red holds considerable power when used in logos, especially for corporations with a broad international reach. Such companies include 3M, known worldwide for its wide range of products. The company strategically uses this fiery hue to reflect its pioneering endeavors in various industries. A deeper examination of this color reveals a spectrum of connotations ranging from unwavering strength, evoking a sense of reliability and trust, to brilliance and originality, reflecting the brand’s desire for invention and novelty.


In the vastness of the technology sector, Adobe is a beacon for the creative professions. This technological giant, which created such revolutionary tools as Photoshop, has firmly planted its name in the annals of digital creativity. Adobe’s uniqueness, symbolized by its vibrant red logo, is more than just a brand representation. The fiery hue of the logo is not only eye-catching but also serves as a strong testament to Adobe’s relentless pursuit of excellence and its pivotal role in shaping the digital art sphere.


The world of luxury cars is no stranger to the appeal of the color red, especially its deeper and richer shades. Bugatti, the epitome of automotive excellence and elegance, is a master class in how this color can be used to create an atmosphere of luxury. The brand’s emblem, painted in a rich crimson color reminiscent of precious stones such as rubies, speaks to its grandeur. Beyond simple aesthetics, this color choice for Bugatti expresses a vision of unrivaled speed, grace, and a heritage rooted in automotive history.


The exciting and intense red color of the Canon emblem evokes a sense of passion, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Rooted in photography and imaging, Canon targets an audience that seeks to capture the essence of life, moment by moment. These qualities are in harmony with Canon’s ethos, a brand renowned for pushing technological boundaries and enabling creativity around the world.


Red instinctively attracts attention, often signaling urgency or importance. This hue carries weight and significance in the media sphere, making it an appropriate choice for broadcasting giants. CNN’s emblem, colored in this bold hue, is not just a random design choice. It’s a visual anchor that makes the viewer pause, pay attention, and absorb the news content. Beyond the color, the minimalistic yet profound design of the CNN emblem further emphasizes the network’s desire to provide factual, clear news, building a reputation as a beacon of trust and authority.


The Coca-Cola emblem in bright red is not just a logo; it’s a global symbol. The beverage magnate’s use of red is not just a design choice. This vibrant hue has the power to evoke feelings ranging from excitement to longing. While red has become widespread in the food and beverage industry, mainly due to its appetizing properties, its use by Coca-Cola goes beyond that norm. Even cultural icons such as the modern image of Santa Claus have been influenced by the brand, combining tradition, nostalgia, and coolness in a harmonious dance.


At first glance, a toothpaste brand with a red emblem may seem counterintuitive. But if you delve deeper, everything becomes clear. The red color, symbolizing vigor and vitality, blends seamlessly with Colgate’s emphasis on oral health and well-being. The combination of red and white in the company’s logo, reflecting the natural shade of gums and teeth, further reinforces its health-focused message. This color duo has historically symbolized care and healing across the broad medical spectrum, reinforcing Colgate’s reputation as a trusted guardian of oral health.


In the vast landscape of healthcare and pharmaceuticals, CVS stands out for its expansive offerings and distinctive red logo. This hue symbolizes the brand’s unwavering dedication to community wellness and individual vitality. When juxtaposed with the heart symbol, the logo’s bright red becomes more than a mere design element; it embodies CVS’s ethos. The commitment to health, combined with a compassionate touch, positions CVS as more than a pharmacy — it’s a holistic health partner, always ready to serve and care.


The realm of fashion is intertwined with the expression of individuality, aspirations, and the innate human desire to communicate without words. Color plays a key role in this dialogue. The H&M emblem, in a muted red color, embodies these feelings. This particular shade, deeper than the often-seen fiery red, balances energy and sophistication to create a harmonious combination. For a brand that caters to a wide variety of fashion preferences, this shade reflects the intensity of fashion choices and understated elegance that many aspire to.


Automotive logos carry the weight of responsibility, representing not only the brand but also reliability, innovation, and sometimes an adrenaline rush. The Honda emblem, depicted as a bright red word on a silver background, perfectly combines these aspects. The red color gives dynamism, while the silver accents around the brand emphasize reliability and dependability. This combination conveys the exciting aspects of automotive design and the reliable engineering excellence that is synonymous with Honda.


The distinctive red emblem of Kellogg’s, a brand with a rich history and tradition, can be seen on store counters. Although the intensity of the color red has changed over the years, its deep hue radiates a combination of heritage and promise. Because red has long been associated with health, energy, and stimulation, especially in the food sector, its use by Kellogg’s is strategic. It subtly encourages consumers to feel confident of satiety and vigor, setting the tone for a day full of possibilities.


In the busy fast-food sector, brands are constantly vying for consumers’ attention. The KFC emblem, rendered in a refreshing red color, does just that. The general consensus is that the color red whets the appetite and stimulates the senses, which is why many in the food industry choose it; despite the evolution of shades of red at KFC, the modern version, bright and youthful, appeals directly to a younger demographic.


The invigorating appeal of the color red is particularly strong in the food and confectionery sector. Its presence is an instinctive cue that can trigger appetite and pleasant memories. To understand this phenomenon, you only need to look at the KitKat logo. While the logo may have slight variations depending on the specific product variant, its underlying red hue remains constant and universally recognized. This consistency subtly but effectively beckons the consumer, promising a familiar flavor and texture.


Often, color associations are created by dominant brands. While the colors red and yellow conjure up thoughts of fast food for many, in the toy realm, these colors tell a different story. The Lego emblem, harmoniously combining red, yellow, and white colors, creates a vivid picture of creativity, play, and boundless imagination. Red, contrasted with yellow, evokes joy and boundless energy, confirming the brand’s commitment to fostering creativity in its young customers.


Fashion brands strive to create a strong emotional connection with their audience. The Levi’s logo, draped in a deep shade of red flirting with burgundy, does just that. It has a sense of deep passion, commitment, and timeless appeal. This shade is not just a color but a testament to Levi’s long legacy in the fashion world, indicating both consistent quality and an evolving sense of style.


Set in a world of epic stories, sweeping characters, and unprecedented adventures, Marvel serves as a beacon. Its logo, complete with a bold shade of red, embodies the very essence of the brand – a whirlwind of passion, high-octane action, and thrilling storylines. In this context, red symbolizes the enthusiasm and dedication with which iconic characters are created and serves as an unmistakable signal to fans that exciting adventures await.


The ubiquitous “golden arches” that represent the McDonald’s brand sometimes don’t need additional color on their own. However, when combined with a red background, they take on an irresistible visual appeal. McDonald’s strategically uses red and yellow colors, which are known to arouse hunger and evoke feelings of warmth and happiness. This combination whets a person’s appetite and subtly encourages a younger audience, making the establishment synonymous with joy and fulfillment.


In the automotive industry, the color red often evokes feelings of dynamism, passion, and speed. Mitsubishi’s iconic three-diamond emblem has this hue, emphasizing its heritage and commitment to engineering excellence. Many Japanese car companies gravitate towards the color red, perhaps due to its cultural significance. The Mitsubishi emblem, painted in this fiery hue, instantly conveys the promise of thrilling rides and unrivaled performance.


Red is symbolic of a brand that caters to a wide variety of entertainment needs. With a rich and slightly deeper hue, the Netflix logo embodies the passion and drama of the shows it hosts and evokes a sense of reliability and trust. This hue allows the brand to stay in the spotlight, especially when a person is thumbing through the many apps on a smart TV in search of entertainment for the evening.


Look into the colorful world of gaming, and you’re bound to come across the bold red Nintendo logo. The logo’s harmonious combination of red and white embodies the brand’s essence of unbridled fun, thrilling excitement, and boundless adventure. Nintendo’s choice of bright red is associated with the exuberance of youth. It echoes the themes of bravery and exploration that underpin many of the brand’s favorite games.


In the vast technological landscape, different hues dominate the brand identities of different companies. Red, synonymous with originality and breakthrough thinking, symbolizes Oracle. This bright hue emphasizes Oracle’s status as an innovator and directs its enthusiasm for pioneering technological solutions. The particular shade of red used by Oracle emphasizes its commitment to implementing avant-garde technological marvels.

Red Bull

Red Bull, a company known worldwide for its energy drinks, used this vibrant shade in its logo. The bold shade of red in the Red Bull logo is more than just a visual treat. In a metaphorical sense, it raises adrenaline levels, echoing the brand’s promise to energize, just like its drinks.

Red Cross

With its undeniable relevance, the color red is a beacon that attracts attention. Consequently, it is a strategic choice for organizations focused on health, vitality, and responsiveness. The American Red Cross emblem in this color brings to mind thoughts of health, urgency, and preserving life. In addition, the use of a simplified sans-serif font complements the emblem, making it both authoritative and accessible.


In a financial sector that is largely dominated by blue and black colors symbolizing trust and officialism, Santander breaks the mold with its bold red logo. At first glance, red may seem like an unconventional choice for a banking institution. However, the Santander logo, made in this fiery color, brings thoughts of vitality and dynamism. It subtly captures the desire for life and prosperity – essential feelings that customers often experience when managing their finances.

Stranger Things

In the entertainment industry, a logo’s color palette can evoke a multitude of emotions. In the Stranger Things logo, the shade of red, which is typically associated with intensity and urgency, plays a key role. Representing one of the world’s most revered TV series, the emblem is filled with mystery and impending danger, drawing viewers into the intriguing universe of the narrative.

Swedish Fish

In the confectionery world, color often echoes the look of a product. The Swedish Fish logo fits seamlessly into this logic, taking its vibrant red hue from candy. This energetic red color reflects the physical shape of the candy and emits a light and whimsical aura that effortlessly attracts candy lovers, especially a youthful audience.

Swiss Airlines

Some logos bear the imprint of a brand’s pedigree, and Swiss Airlines is a prime example of this. The airline’s red and white emblem reflects the national colors of Switzerland, paying homage to its roots. This conscious choice reinforces the brand’s story, convincing customers of its deep values and heritage. The unexpected association of red with determination and forward momentum complements the airline’s mission to provide the highest level of service.


In the commercial realm, few emblems are as easily recognizable as the Target emblem. Synonymous with precision, the point-shot-like logo reassures shoppers that the brand strives for accuracy in every purchase. The sparkling red hue is not only a visual treat but also a magnet that attracts a diverse group of shoppers, from dynamic young adults to boisterous families.


In the automotive sector, red has long been a symbol of energy and dynamism. Tesla, a vanguard in electric vehicles, has skillfully used this hue to emphasize its revolutionary ethic. By choosing the vibrant color red for its logo, Tesla attracts attention and embodies the groundbreaking innovations it is constantly bringing to the automotive field.

The Rolling Stones

In a music industry where audacity often reigns supreme, The Rolling Stones logo is a testament to the band’s legendary rebellious spirit. The festive red hue that is an integral part of the logo evokes a sense of enthusiasm, appeal, and unconventionality. This visual representation captures the essence of a band that has constantly challenged musical norms and left an indelible mark on the history of rock music.


Spanning multiple industries, from air travel to telecommunications, the Virgin brand is synonymous with adventurous exploration. Its vibrant red logo epitomizes the spirit of the relentless pursuit of innovation. Beyond the hue, the hand-drawn logo emphasizes the brand’s authenticity and its unwavering commitment to challenging the status quo.


In the digital realm, few logos evoke as much instant recognition as YouTube’s emblematic play button set against a vibrant red background. Choosing red as a platform that celebrates creativity, diversity, and shared experiences is both appropriate and strategic. This radiant hue embodies the energy of countless content creators and radiates warmth, encouraging users around the world to explore and interact.

Brands with Red Logos

In the vast spectrum of branding, red logos hold a special place. This vibrant hue immediately attracts attention and resonates deeply, evoking a wide range of emotions in observers. Many iconic brands, as mentioned above, have used this captivating hue to make a lasting impression on their audiences.

The versatility of red allows it to be used in branding in many different interpretations. Whether evoking a sense of passion, prompting action, or conveying warmth, red can ignite a multitude of emotions. However, its use requires careful calibration to achieve the right chord. Tones that are too intense can inadvertently signal hostility or danger.

Brands must develop a balanced visual identity to capitalize on the powerful appeal of red without falling into negative connotations. In this way, it can be ensured that the fiery allure of red will truly enhance a brand’s presence, making it memorable and recognizable in the vast expanse of modern branding.

Renowned Companies With Red Logos (2024)


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