Moodle Support Articles | UMass Amherst Information Technology (2024)

  • A Guide to Building a New Course in Moodle

    There are several basic steps to setting up a new Moodle course. Use this page as a guide and follow the links to IT support articles that explain your options in greater detail.Starting April 5th, 2021, new UMass Amherst Moodle courses are hosted on Moodle in the Cloud, an upgraded version of...

  • A Quick Tour of Moodle for Instructors

    The Navigation Tray and the Course Management PanelThe Navigation TrayTheNavigationtrayis a collapsible menu that allows you to move about your course, access the course gradebook, move to other available courses, and access your dashboard.(click to enlarge)To open and close the...

  • A Quick Tour of Moodle for Students

    This page provides a quick introduction to Moodle in the Cloud, a Learning Management System (LMS) at UMass Amherst used to deliver course content and host online learning activities.Log Inand Log Out of MoodleIn your web browser, navigate to Moodle:For Summer and Fall 2021 and...

  • About Adding Activities to a Moodle Course

    Activities are interactive tools used to engage students in learning and assess their progress.Moodle includes the standard tools you'd expect from any learning management system including forums, assignments, and quizzes, along with collaborative activities such as wikis, glossaries, and...

  • About Adding Resources to a Moodle Course

    A Resource is an item that an instructorcan use to support learning, such as a file or web link. Each resource appears as a link preceded by an icon that represents the resource type (File, Folder, Page, URL, etc.). Most resources allow settings such as conditions for viewing, or display...

  • About the Move to Moodle

    Moodle is a widely-used open source learning management system (LMS), that can be used to deliver course content and host online learning activities.For each term you teach an on-campus class, you must request a Moodle course in SPIRE. You can request your Moodle course for an upcoming class when...

  • Access to Moodle - Overview

    Access to Moodle is handled primarily through SPIRE. Students, instructors, teaching assistants, and others who are associated with a class in SPIRE will automatically be enrolled in the Moodle course for that class. Instructors can also request or allow different types of access to a Moodle course...

  • Access to Moodle for Co-Instructors and Other Instructional Staff

    Find out how to obtain access to Moodle for co-instructors, colleagues or assistants helping out with your Moodle course. Your Co-instructor Needs Access to MoodleIf you and your colleague share responsibility for all aspects of the course (e.g., instruction and grading) they should also have...

  • Access to Moodle for Students

    This page explains how students gain access to a course in Moodle.Student Enrollment in Moodle CoursesOnce the instructor for a class requests a Moodle course, students who are registered in the class in SPIRE are automatically added to the roster in Moodle. Moodle course rosters are updated...

  • Access to Moodle for Teaching Assistants

    This page reviews basic information on getting Teaching Assistants access to a Moodle course.About Teaching Assistants (TAs) in MoodleYour TA must be listed in SPIRE as a Teaching Assistant in order to have access to your Moodle course. By default, TAs automatically receive access to Moodle in...

  • Activity Types in Moodle

    There are many types of activities available in Moodle at UMass Amherst: several types of assignments, activities for communication and collaboration between you and your students, quizzes, polls and surveys, tools to aid in managing students, and formats for delivering interactive content....

  • The columns on each side of a Moodle page contain Blocks. The Navigation and Administration blocks are required, but others are optional. New Moodle courses start out with a set of default blocks. You can add additional blocks, remove blocks, or rearrange the blocks in the sidebars.(click to...

  • Add a Chat Activity in Moodle

    The Chat activity allows course members to hold real-time, text-based conversations with other course members. Different chat rooms can be set up for the same course. For example, a course may have some chats where meeting times are scheduled, and others that are always available. Chat sessions can...

  • Add a Checklist Activity in Moodle

    The Moodle Checklist module allows teachers to create a "to do" list for students to work through and provides an easy visual representation of what has been accomplished so far. Teachers can use the Checklist to monitor progress as students complete items on the list, and students can see a...

  • Add a Choice Activity (Single Question Poll) in Moodle

    A Choice activity allows you to present a single question to students with multiple responses as possible answers. Each student can then pick one of the given choices. Choice activities are intended for gathering information only and are not gradable.This activity can be useful as a quick survey...

  • Add a Database Activity to Moodle

    The Database activity allows students and/or instructors to populate, display, search, and comment on a bank of record entries. The format and structure of these entries is highly customizable, with the option to include images, files, URLs, numbers, check boxes, and text. Versatile settings...

  • Add a File to a Moodle Course

    One of the ways to share a file with your students on Moodle is to add it to your course page as a Resource. File types you can add to Moodle include PDF, Word and other text documents, PowerPoint presentations, spreadsheets, zip files, and media such as image, video, and audio files.To post...

  • Add a Folder of Files to a Moodle Course

    Moodle allows you to post multiple files at once in a Folder. Folders can contain files such as PDFs, Word documents, or image files, but cannot contain Moodle Activities (such as Quizzes, Assignments, and Forums)or Resources (such as URLs or Pages).You can upload individual filesor a .zip file...

  • Add a Forum Activity in Moodle

    Instructors and students can communicate and collaborate using Moodle Forums. Instructors can create discussion topics or, depending on the forum type, allow students to originate topics. Course members can then post replies. Depending on the forum settings, course members may be able to subscribe...

  • Add a Glossary Activity in Moodle

    The Glossary activity allows users to create a collection of terms and definitions, as in a dictionary, that course participants can search or browse. Teachers can restrict access to a Glossary so that only they can create entries, or they can allow students to add new entries as well. Instructors...

As an AI language model, I have access to a wide range of information and can provide insights on various topics. While I don't have first-hand expertise or personal experiences, I can provide information based on reliable sources and search results. Here's some information related to the concepts mentioned in the article you provided:

Moodle Course Setup

Setting up a new Moodle course involves several basic steps. The article you provided mentions that new UMass Amherst Moodle courses are hosted on Moodle in the Cloud, an upgraded version of Moodle. It also suggests using IT support articles for more detailed explanations of the options available.

Moodle Navigation and Course Management

Moodle provides a Navigation Tray, which is a collapsible menu that allows users to move around the course, access the gradebook, switch to other available courses, and access the dashboard. The Course Management Panel is another feature that helps instructors manage their courses.

Moodle for Students

Moodle in the Cloud is a Learning Management System (LMS) used at UMass Amherst to deliver course content and host online learning activities. Students can log in and log out of Moodle using their web browsers. The article suggests navigating to the Moodle website to access the platform.

Adding Activities to a Moodle Course

Moodle offers various interactive tools called activities to engage students in learning and assess their progress. These activities include forums, assignments, quizzes, wikis, glossaries, and more. They can be used for communication, collaboration, and content delivery .

Adding Resources to a Moodle Course

Instructors can add resources to support learning in Moodle courses. Resources can be files, web links, folders, pages, and more. Each resource appears as a link preceded by an icon representing its type. Resources can have settings such as conditions for viewing or display.

Access to Moodle

Access to Moodle is primarily handled through SPIRE, the system used for student information and course registration at UMass Amherst. Students, instructors, teaching assistants, and others associated with a class in SPIRE are automatically enrolled in the corresponding Moodle course. Instructors can also request or allow different types of access to a Moodle course.

Activity Types in Moodle

Moodle offers a wide range of activity types, including assignments, communication and collaboration tools, quizzes, polls, surveys, student management tools, and interactive content formats. These activities can be used to enhance student engagement and facilitate learning.

Blocks in Moodle

Moodle pages have columns on each side that contain blocks. While the Navigation and Administration blocks are required, others are optional. New Moodle courses come with a set of default blocks, but instructors can add, remove, or rearrange blocks in the sidebars.

Examples of Specific Activities in Moodle

The article you provided mentions several specific activities that can be added to a Moodle course. These include the Chat activity for real-time text-based conversations, the Checklist activity for creating "to-do" lists, the Choice activity for presenting single-question polls, the Database activity for creating searchable record entries, and the Glossary activity for creating collections of terms and definitions [[11]].

Please note that the information provided above is based on the snippets from the search results you provided. It's always a good idea to consult official documentation or additional sources for more detailed and up-to-date information on specific topics.

Moodle Support Articles | UMass Amherst Information Technology (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.